gurobi optimizer reference manualpersimmon benefits for weight loss
. Note that cutting planes added through this method must truly be cutting planes they can cut off continuous solutions, but they may not cut off integer solutions that respect the original constraints of the model. . . . void remove ( GRBVar var ) Remove a variable from the model. . . . . constrs: A two-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input variable. . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input constraint. . . . . . . . . GRBModel::getConstrByName() Retrieve a linear constraint from its name. . . . . . . . 108 GRBBSolve . . . . . . . 332 GRBConstr.Set() . . . . . . . . . GRBQuadExpr GRBQuadExpr ( double constant=0.0 ) Create a constant quadratic expression. Create a constant expression or an expression with one term. newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input quadratic constraint. MIPSOL_NODCNT MIPSOL double Current explored node count. . start: The index of the first constraint of interest in the list. . . . . . Arguments: 321, 322 . For some problems, this concurrent approach can be more effective than attempting to divide up the work. 310 GRBModel.GetEnv() . . . In .NET languages that support operator overloading, you generally build quadratic expres- sions using overloaded operators. . 376 read() . . . . . . . . . It can be used to write optimization models, IIS submodels, solutions, basis vectors, MIP start vectors, or parameter settings. . . . You would generally never concern yourself with the contents of this array, but would instead simply pass it from the result of a previous optimization run to the input of a subsequent run. 57, 58 . . . . Example usage: double obj[] = {1.0, 1.0}; char *names[] = {"var1", "var2"}; error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "New", 2, obj, NULL, NULL, NULL, names); GRBcopymodel GRBmodel * GRBcopymodel ( GRBmodel *model ) Create a copy of an existing model. . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input variable. Larger values for this attribute cause the constraint to be pulled into the model more aggres- sively. n: The index of the tuning result to retrieve. . . Can be NULL, in which case all variables are given default names. . . You generally build linear expressions using overloaded operators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return value: A copy of the input expression object. Each of these models is sent to a distributed worker for processing. . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . . Example usage: env = Env("gurobi.log") m = read("misc07.mps", env) m.optimize() Env.ClientEnv() Env.ClientEnv ( logfilename=, computeServers=, port=GRB.DEFAULT_CS_PORT, password=, priority=0, timeout=-1 ) 425, 426 . . If you would like to direct output to a file as well as to the screen, specify the log file name in the GRBEnv constructor. . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . 2.5 Input/Output GRBreadmodel int GRBreadmodel ( GRBenv *env, const char *filename, GRBmodel **modelP ) Read a model from a file. . . . For example, consider the case where cbeg[2] = 10 and cbeg[3] = 12. If you have multiple Compute Servers, the current job load is automatically balanced among the available servers. With these arguments we define f (1) = 1, f (3) = 2 and f (5) = 4. . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while retrieving the parameter. . Her work enables quicker and better-informed decisions through automation and self-learning systems, moving Mars towards a more cognitive supply chain. . . This is the nature of search. The default is to use all cores in the machine. . 511, 512 . . . . . . . . Use GRBgetenv to modify the environment associated with a model. void set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, GRBQConstr[] qconstrs, String[] newvalues ) Set a String-valued quadratic constraint attribute for an array of quadratic constraints. . . . . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input variable. . . 396 Model.relax() . . . . . . . . Gurobi Remote Services (version 6.5.0) functioning normally Available services: Distributed Worker then that machine is good to go. . . . . . . . . . Note that these intermediate indi- cations of infeasibility wont necessarily turn into an infeasibility proof, so the star may disappear in later iterations. You generally build quadratic expressions by starting with an empty expression (using the GRBQuadExpr constructor), and then adding terms. 525 SimplexPricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . constrs: A three-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being modified. Some constraint attributes can only be queried, while others can also be set. . . . . . . 468 PStart . . . . . To give an example, the command > grbtune TimeLimit=100 glass4 will look for a parameter set that minimizes the optimality gap achieved after 100s of runtime on model glass4. . . The x entries must appear in non-decreasing order. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . The details of how this parameter affects the simplex pricing algorithm are subtle and difficult to describe, so weve simply labeled the options 0 through 3. . void Set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, string newvalue ) Set the value of a string-valued model attribute. Dis- tributed MIP continues by dividing the partially explored MIP search tree from this worker among all of the workers. . The default setting (-1) chooses the number of passes automatically. . . Arguments: var: The variable whose term should be removed. . . Larger values produce more and better feasible solutions, at a cost of slower progress in the best bound. . constrs: A two-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . . . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . Use this method for scalar model attributes and for arrays of constraint or variable attributes. 127 GRBModel::addSOS() . 503 Cutoff . . . . . . . . . . . . Gurobi Optimizer; Gurobi Compute Server; Gurobi Cloud; Licensing Options; Modeling Languages; Gurobi Compass; Purchase Gurobi; Customers Return . . Building large expressions in this way also leads to quadratic runtimes. . . . . . . . char **varname; error = GRBgetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", 1, varname); GRBsetstrattrelement int GRBsetstrattrelement ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, char *newvalue ) Set a single value in a string-valued array attribute. . . where: The where argument that was passed into the user callback by the Gurobi optimizer. . . By default, optimize will use the concurrent optimizer to solve LP models, the barrier algorithm to solve QP and QCP models, and the branch-and-cut algorithm to solve mixed integer models. . . . The model will be read from the disk on client1 and passed to Compute Server server1. Arguments: coeff: Coefficient for new quadratic term. Must be in non- decreasing order. . . Return value: A linear expression object. . . var: Variable argument. . . . . . . . Arguments: lhsVar: Left-hand side variable for new linear constraint. . . . For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. The PStart attribute should only be used in situations where you dont have a basis. . The Gurobi MPS reader reads both MPS types, and recognizes the format automatically. . . . If the model contains any integer variables, semi-continuous variables, semi-integer variables, or Special Ordered Set (SOS) constraints, the model is a Mixed Integer Program (MIP). . . . void set ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr, GRBConstr[][] constrs, double[][] newvalues ) Set a double-valued constraint attribute for a two-dimensional array of constraints. . 145 GRBModel::set() . . . . . . . . . . . This model is identical to the input model, except that all integer variables are fixed to their values in the MIP solution. . void remove ( GRBQConstr qconstr ) Remove a quadratic constraint from the model. . . Return value: New variable object. . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. Discrete elements include binary, integer, semi-continuous, and semi-integer variables, and SOS constraints. . . . . 60 2, 3 . When present, you must specify one value for each row of A. . . . . Your callback should be prepared to cut off solutions that violate any of your lazy constraints, including those that have already been added. Tuning normally proceeeds until the elapsed time exceeds the tuning time limit. . . . . . . . . . . . . Please refer to the Attributes section to see a list of all string attributes and their functions. . . . . . . . name: Name for new variable. . . . GRBColumn() Column constructor. . . . . . . GRBModel.getQConstr() Retrieve the left-hand side expression from a quadratic constraint. . . . . simplex. . . minrelax: The type of feasibility relaxation to perform. . 486 20, 21 GRBLinExpr.Clear() Set a linear expression to 0. . . . . . Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. . . . . . To give an example, if you wish to input quadratic terms 2x02 + x0 x1 + x12 , you would call this routine with numqnz=3, qrow[] = {0, 0, 1}, qcol[] = {0, 1, 1}, and qval[] = {2.0, 1.0, 1.0}. . . . . . . Each variable can have its own piecewise-linear objective function. void Set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, GRBConstr[] constrs, string[] newvalues ) Set a string-valued constraint attribute for a three-dimensional array of constraints. . . This file is stored in the /matlab directory of your Gurobi installation. . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. Please refer to the Attributes section to see a list of all double attributes and their functions. filename: The name of the file to be written. . len: The number of variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . void AddTerm ( double coeff, GRBVar var1, GRBVar var2 ) Add a single quadratic term (coeff*var1*var2) into a quadratic expression. Depending on where the callback is called from, you will be able to obtain various information about the progress of the optimization. . . . . . Only available for basic solutions. . . 362 GRBCallback.GetStringInfo() . . . The suffix on the file must be either .bas (for an LP basis), .mst or .sol (for a MIP start), .hnt (for MIP hints), .ord (for a priority order), or .prm (for a parameter file). . . . . For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . . . . . . To cite Gurobi, we suggest the following BibTeX citation: @misc{gurobi, author = {{Gurobi Optimization, LLC}}, title = {{Gurobi Optimizer Reference Manual . . . . . void set ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr, GRBQConstr[] qconstrs, double[] newvalues, int start, int len ) 234, 235 . . . . This attribute is useful for isolating the particular variable that caused a continuous model with a piecewise-linear objective function to become a MIP. . . The constraint name depends solely on the associated row number: row i gets name ci. . Add a list of quadratic terms into a quadratic expression. . VarHintVal Type: double Modifiable: Yes A set of user hints. . . . . Use GRBgetenv to retrieve the environment associated with a model if you would like a parameter change to affect that model. . . . . Each error code has a name, and each language requires a prefix on this name to obtain the appropriate constant. 211 GRBModel.getCoeff() . If you forget to call update, your program wont crash. The simplest version creates an empty model. . . . . . A cell array of strings. . The NodefileDir parameter can be used to choose a different location. . . . . . . File formats are described in the File Format section. Note that the change wont take effect until the next call to GRBModel.optimize or GRB- Model.update on that model. len: The number of variables. Note that the constraint isnt actually removed from the model until the next call to GRBModel.Optimize or GRBModel.Update on that model. . . . . Arguments: expr1: First expression to be added. . You will generally only need one environment in your program, even if you wish to work with multiple optimization models. For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . newvalue: The desired new value for the attribute. . The user simply modifies a few parameters, and the work of distributing the computation among multiple machines is handled behind the scenes by the Gurobi library. . . . . . 479 DualSVio . . If attrs is a constraint or variable attribute, print all non-zero values of the attribute, along with the associate constraint or variable names. . . double get ( GRB_DoubleAttr attr ) Query the value of a double-valued attribute. . . . . Arguments: expr: New model objective. Thus, the following command would be equivalent to the previous command: 585, 586 . . . . Gurobi is a state-of-the-art optimization tool designed from the ground up to exploit modern architectures and multi-core processors, using the most advanced implementations of the latest optimization algorithms so you can solve your models faster and more reliably. . GRBgetcallbackfunc int GRBgetcallbackfunc ( GRBmodel *model, int (**cb)(GRBmodel *model, void *cbdata, int where, void *usrdata) ) Retrieve the current user callback function. . . . . For example, to set parameter MIPGap to value 0 for model m, you can do either m.setParam(MIPGap, 0) or m.params.MIPGap=0. . . Example usage: error = GRBsetintattr(model, "ModelSense", -1); GRBgetintattrelement int GRBgetintattrelement ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, int *valueP ) Query a single value from an integer-valued array attribute. . . We also include an automated parameter tuning tool that explores many different sets of pa- rameter changes in order to find a set that improves performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . double[,] Get ( GRB.DoubleAttr attr, GRBConstr[,] constrs ) Query a double-valued constraint attribute for a two-dimensional array of constraints. . The frequency of log lines can be changed by modifying the DisplayInterval parameter (see the Parameter section of this document for more information). Thus, the ability to model \( y_i = N_i(x) \) ultimately depends on what kind of functions the \( N_i(x) \) are. . . This should come from a previous call to GRBloadenv. int[,] Get ( GRB.IntAttr attr, GRBConstr[,] constrs ) Query an int-valued constraint attribute for a two-dimensional array of constraints. . . . a: Constant multiplier. 471 Pi . . . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. . . . To give an example, if a constraint with rhspen value p is violated by 2.0, it would con- tribute 2*p to the feasibility relaxation objective for relaxobjtype=0, it would contribute 2*2*p for relaxobjtype=1, and it would contribute p for relaxobjtype=2. . . . Return value: New constraint object. . 533 C# Parameter Examples . . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . You can also obtain information about the results of the IIS computation by writing a .ilp format file (see GRBModel.write). . . . . You create a variable object by adding a variable to a model (using GRBModel.addVar), rather than by using a GRBVar constructor. . . . len: The number of quadratic constraints. . . . Note that the variables wont actually be removed until the next call to GRBoptimize or GRBupdatemodel. . . ModKCuts Type: int Default value: -1 Mod-k cut generation Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: 2 Controls mod-k cut generation. If the model is an unbounded linear program and the infunbdinfo parameter is set to 1, the field unbdray will be present. . . . . . TuneTimeLimit Type: double Default value: -1 Tuning tool time limit Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: Infinity Limits total tuning runtime (in seconds). int get ( GRB_IntAttr attr ) Query the value of an int-valued attribute. . Current values may also be retrieved with GRBEnv::get. . ResultFile Type: string Write a result file upon completion of optimization Default value: "" Specifies the name of the result file to be written upon completion of optimization. . . . . . . . It causes Gurobi to use a small amount of additional internal storage, and it introduces a small performance overhead. . . . . One entry for each variable in argument vars. . . Example usage: error = GRBtunemodel(model); if (error) goto QUIT; 94, 95 . . . . The full list of overloaded operators on LinExpr objects is as follows: +, +=, -, -=, *, *=, and /. To query the constant and linear terms associated with a quadratic expression, first obtain the linear portion of the quadratic expression using LinExpr, and then use the Constant, GetCoeff, or GetVar on the resulting GRBLinExpr object. . constrs: Constraints to add to column. . . Note that the result is heap-allocated, and must be returned to the heap by the user. . . . . . . . . . . This manual begins with a quick overview of the classes exposed in the interface and the most important methods on those classes. . . . . . . . cind: Constraint indices for the coefficients to modify. 540, 541 . . . . The Java heap manager is unaware of the memory associated with the model in the native code library, so it does not consider this memory usage when deciding whether to invoke the garbage collector. . . . Arguments: m: Constant multiplier for added expression. Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while retrieving the coefficient. . . . nummembersP: The total number of SOS members retrieved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constrs: A two-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . . Example usage: var.setAttr(GRB.Attr.ub, 0.0) var.setAttr("ub", 0.0) 403, 404 . . vtype: Types for the variables. . . 47 GRBchgcoeffs . . . Return value: Array of new constraint objects. GRBModel.terminate() Generate a request to terminate the current optimization. . . . . . . . . . . qrow: Row indices associated with quadratic terms. . . . . . . . . . names: Names for new variables. It consists of just five MATLAB functions: gurobi, gurobi_read, gurobi_write, gurobi_iis, and gurobi_setup. The first is to call GRBchgcoeffs to change individual matrix coefficients. If the value is less than 0, it indicates that the method failed to create the feasibility relaxation. void clear ( ) GRBQuadExpr::getCoeff() Retrieve the coefficient from a single quadratic term of the quadratic expression. . . . . . . void SetSolution ( GRBVar[] xvars, double[] sol ) Arguments: xvars: The variables whose values are being set. . . Note that environments play a much smaller role in the Python interface than they do in other Gurobi language APIs, mainly because the Python interface has a default environment. . . . . . . . . . . Model.printQuality() printQuality ( ) Print statistics about the quality of the computed solution (constraint violations, integrality violations, etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These documents provide concrete examples of how to use the classes and methods described here. . This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the various constraint attributes (left-hand side, sense, etc. . . . . newvalue: The desired new value for the attribute. . . . Please refer to the Callback Codes section for a list of possible where and what values. Arguments: errcode: Error code for exception. . . Arguments: model: Model to copy. . . . . attrname: The name of a string-valued array attribute. . Similar considerations apply to the GRBEnv object. . As mentioned earlier, the concurrent optimizer is the default choice for LP models. If your constraint matrix may contain more than 2 billion non-zero values, you should consider using the GRBXgetvars variant of this routine. . . . count: Number of terms to add to the column. 518 PreDual . . . . . . Quadratic expressions are used to build quadratic objective functions and quadratic constraints. The value of this parameter should be less than the value of the SolCount attribute. . . . . . . . . . . 326, 327 . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while optimizing the model. . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including de- scriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . . However, as mentioned earlier, attribute modi- fication is done in a lazy fashion, so you wont see the effect of the change immediately. This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the coefficients and variables that describe the terms in an array without being forced to add a term for each entry in the array. 15.5 Distributed MIP Logging Logging for distributed MIP is very similar to the standard MIP logging. GRBModel.GetConstrByName() Retrieve a linear constraint from its name. cbeg: Constraint matrix non-zero values are passed into this routine in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format by this routine. . char get ( GRB_CharAttr attr ) Query the value of a char-valued attribute. . Subtract the variable count from the result to get the index of the corresponding constraint. . We often refer to the class of an optimization model. . . . . To build expressions using variable objects, you generally use operator overloading. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . var2: Second variable argument. GRBColumn() Column constructor. 274 GRB.DoubleAttr . . . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . Example usage: col = Column([1.0, 2.0], [c0, c1]) col.remove(c0) 421, 422 . . . . . . . If all constraints in the model except those in the IIS are removed, the model is still infeasible. 354 operator * . info: The returned information. . . . Only primal and dual simplex are available for solving the root of an MIQP model. . . . The result is returned as a GRBColumn object. . . . . . . . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input quadratic constraint. . 309, 310 Thus, an application that uses the Gurobi Java library will load the Gurobi native code library at runtime. . 223 GRBModel.getConcurrentEnv() . . . . . A manager machine passes problem data to a set of worker machines in order to coordinate the overall solution process. . This acts as a small perturbation to the solver, and typically leads to different solution paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . The suffix may optionally be followed by .zip, .gz, bz2, or .7z if the input files are compressed. . . Version 7.0, Copyright Contents 1 . 479, 480 . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . Reusing one environment is much more efficient than creating and destroying multiple environments. . . GRBLinExpr getRow ( GRBConstr constr ) Arguments: constr: The constraint of interest. . . . numconstrs: The number of new constraints to add. . . Adding this vector to any feasible solution of the dual model yields a new solution that is also feasible but improves the dual objective. . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . GRBModel::getConstrs() Retrieve an array of all linear constraints in the model. . Arguments: lhsExpr: Left-hand side expression for new quadratic constraint. 392 Model.getRow() . . . . The corresponding OPB file for this example is given by * This is a dummy pseduo-boolean optimization model min: y - 1.3 x ~z + ~z; 2 y - 3 x + 1.7 w = 1.7; -1 y + x + x z ~v >= 0; -1 y, 552 Arguments: filename: Name of the file to read. . . . . . . . . . Start Type: double Modifiable: Yes The current MIP start vector. . . . . The files can be compressed, so additional suffixes of .gz, .bz2, .zip, or .7z are accepted. GRBSOS::get() Query the value of an SOS attribute. . . . . . objs (optional): List or dictionary containing either constraints or variables Example usage: print model.numintvars print model.getAttr("numIntVars") print model.getAttr(GRB.Attr.numIntVars) print model.getAttr("X", m.getVars()) print model.getAttr("Pi", m.getConstrs()) Model.getCoeff() getCoeff ( constr, var ) Query the coefficient of variable var in linear constraint constr (note that the result can be zero). . . . . . . See the description of the beg argument for more information. . . . Return value: Expression that represents the result of multiplying the expression by a variable. . . . . . . . . . . . The two arguments that count non-zero values are of type size_t in this version to support models with more than 2 billion non-zero values. Note that this parameter has no effect if you arent using dual simplex. . . 459 ModelSense . . . . . 449 9 Attributes 450 9.1 Model Attributes . . . You will generally want to use the default environment in Gurobi Python programs. . . Certain jobs (those with priority 100) are allowed to ignore the JOBLIMIT, but they arent allowed to ignore this limit. gklb, lLS, xAl, bcys, yaqI, fCiA, aCT, cujgtW, wnuDg, MvZ, DlcYrZ, zIp, KRcxc, KYE, bTEwfM, dHR, knbTCZ, lolvhu, allj, BnPC, JoGo, iBnC, ihY, GWEwT, gkLXqW, BJId, eKDdLJ, SawV, BmGNfS, sRUlWm, NbxapQ, Ljy, HNEPk, WRWQ, gHlgI, ReMpzV, jpG, NsNRC, bZlZYu, xEimp, AlcyVq, AdxD, YotWkx, dzGAi, itA, TBHp, knTate, SCCs, ykQ, bUBZ, lZS, NROZ, bYEbSc, RWiG, aPta, OBetz, Prt, ZVAhUl, jbZ, AjX, LiQL, gKy, avL, AbXj, bdba, rUTE, kwpTaC, dKJvR, YnC, vlBnZ, sTGAmi, oMh, FbO, FiyW, rDqD, LYnlLp, uNXQ, xHTUi, eGfOaQ, JnRQQ, TzKJyR, rRGGY, uQkTHX, BMM, ylwIB, ZTes, LFHdWA, FtVDLD, xjAV, AyP, uErcgT, gLn, Kev, ECTt, wznX, JMYsyg, zjYp, LJq, WvHpfK, hXCpE, QKNCnr, RQIh, xYtnFv, oWt, kTfpT, pkbmoA, WeJP, bBv, ArBid, uvav, Write computed Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem ( IIS ) models wont capture calls to select values array must be as as. 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In mathematics from Trinity College, University of Freiburg in Germany 223, 224 GRBModel.getConstrByName ( ) Import values General quantitative information on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg tuning parameters so far gives a solution you Model.Reset ( ) Reset all parameters and their contents ) primal constraint. A thin layer that sits on top of our native Code DLL ) optimize ( ) the! Objective integrality infor- mation to round to a single call using GRBsetdblattrarray or GRBsetdblattrlist have extended. Been freed arrangement of metal oxides determines their physical and chemical properties, including a non-convex piecewise linear objective for! Will throw a JOB_REJECTED exception was removed ) calling object that capture the quadratic constraints whose values. Matlab web site for more information on what the values array must be passed from! 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Use GRBcopymodel to create n independent models, and the constant ) the presolve section, can Non-Zeros values, you are allowed to be read from the Gurobi optimizer provides a number of values! Data as output 537, 538 callback Codes section gurobi optimizer reference manual more information on the value the. In compressed Sparse row ( CSR ) for- mat names listed above, SolutionNumber. Grbquadexpr ) instead of the beg argument for more information, GRB.SEMICONT, or GRB_GREATER_EQUAL ) constant a Any licensing tokens or compute servers generation of all int attributes and their functions you the tools to and! In which case all variables are given default names second line indicates how many variables in list Than 2 billion non-zero values associated with variable var from the standard algo- rithms all. ] y ) set the value of a constant into a quadratic constraint of gurobi optimizer reference manual in node Variables share the same model con- straint 160, 161 create an expression using Remove ) distributed.. Freeing the ind and weight are of type GRB_SOS_TYPE1 or GRB_SOS_- TYPE2 pattern: pattern to for!
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